Our family of 3

Our family of 3

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tweaking the Goals...is that allowed?

I thought I would update the blogging world on my ambitious goals...
#1 Run a 5K
Well I'm slowly but surely trying to get there.  I am starting week 5 of my "Couch to 5K Plan" but I highly doubt I will be ready to run 3.2 miles in 3 weeks (Red Dress Run).  I did get my 15 minute mile down to a more respectable 13...but I still have a ways to go.  I need to stop hyperventilating when I run.
#2 Make my own cleaning supplies
Well...I bought cleaning supplies that are more natural and supposedly healthier does that count?  I think this idea was in the heat of the moment...this is about as far as I'm going to get for now.
#3 Make a new meal a week
How about make A meal a week...Our schedules don't exactly allow consistency.  We have dinner 2-3 times a week but one of those is our "pizza night".  I still want to get on this but it's hard to be motivated to use the oven when it's 100 outside.

Let's revise, shall we?

#1 Run a 5K 
We'll keep that one 

#2 _______I'll fill this one in later

#3 Make a new meal a MONTH

Wes and I decided we want to try to go through the Bible in year.  It's tough to be consistent when our schedules don't coincide like we want them to but so far it's been going well...so perhaps that can replace number 2.  I'm finding that with the plan laid out of what to read it's not overwhelming and I really look forward to doing it.  It's even better when your best-friend encourages you as well.  We've found we have new things to talk about because of our reading.  So cool.  I want our kids to grow up in a home that knows being in the Word is important...more than important....necessary...a MUST.  My mom gets up early every morning and dives into the Word.  She has since before I can remember.  How then did I see that example and only now try to do the same?  How then can I expect my kids to get it if I don't make an effort to practice that discipline?  Hopefully we can get this down and routine before little ones are not just a figment of our imagination.

Anyway...perhaps these goals won't change a month from now.