Our family of 3

Our family of 3

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Our Life as a Family of 3

Clearly I'm not much of a blogger, but for friends and family far away who are curious about how we're doing over here-there's much to catch up on.
We had a baby...he's cute.

Everyone says he looks like Wes.  I just think he looks like a baby, a really cute baby.

On a whim around month three, we decided that we wouldn't find out the gender of our baby.  Our decision was met with "Don't you want to be prepared?" and "Oh, I could NEVER do that" from people.  1) No, we don't want to be prepared.  Not knowing the gender means we don't know if we're supposed to buy diapers or make them go outside.  Oh puhleeeze.  2) Yes you could.  You just chose not to.

Pregnancy wasn't an awful experience, being sick in the morning wasn't my favorite and having to eat the MOMENT I got hungry was annoying.  I never felt like I was "glowing" or if I was it was just the sun reflecting off of my greasy non-make-uped face.  However, being pregnant in winter is great.  You're always warm when everyone else is freezing and comfy sweaters are currently in style-win!

March 8 (1 day after due date)
After attending a class at church, I came home and felt somewhat strong contractions.  Within a few hours they were a mere 3-5 minutes apart and I thought I was going to rip in two.  "It could take 20-30 hours since it's your first", said the Dr, "stay at home and comfortable as long as you can".  GREEEEAT.  A half hour after that phone call we were on our way to the hospital...I don't like pain.  He was born 5 hours after checking in.  Whew!  Not wasting any time, I knew I was going to like this kid.

Now we're almost 2 months in.  Life is good...but I feel myself getting crunchier with every passing day.

I got some "are you crazy" looks when I mentioned that I wanted to try cloth diapering very part-time.  So stay tuned to hear how that's going...So far I LOVE our Charlie Banana diapers.  Seriously, I want collect all the different prints and colors like some people collect shoes.

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