I do what I want.
I'll climb the stairs if I want to.
I'll whine until you pick me up if I want to.
I'll eat microscopic things off the floor if I want to.
I do what I want.
Will someone please tell my parents that I'm not a dancing monkey?
Yes, I can walk.
I can also make my diaper super messy…why don't they ever show anyone that?
People. The world doesn't stare at you when you walk.
They tell me it's because I'm cute.
Today I am 10 months old.
My favorite thing to do (other than walk around holding my toys) is drop things from my high chair and see if they magically reappear on my tray.
I have 6 teeth and they hurt! Who needs teeth anyway?
I like to make my parents think I don't know their names…sometimes I call daddy "mama" and sometimes I just start mumbling "dada". It's pretty funny to see mom and dad start pointing to themselves repeating the same word over and over. They haven't quite caught on yet that it's all for my own entertainment.
I am the king of this castle.
What a little cutie he is!